Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Covelent is committed to enhancing its practices to combat slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chain.

Organisational Structure

Covelent is a global management consulting firm that utilises deep industry knowledge and rigorous analytical methods to empower business leaders to achieve pragmatic outcomes with tangible impact. We are resolute in upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all our dealings and expect our suppliers to abide by similar standards.The firm serves global organisations that are industry leaders—ranging from substantial private and public sector organisations to private equity firms and emerging businesses. For further information, please visit our website.

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking

Covelent is dedicated to ensuring that no modern slavery or human trafficking occurs within our supply chain or any segment of our operations. Our Anti-Slavery, Human Trafficking and Reporting Policy embodies our commitment to ethical conduct and integrity in all our business relationships. We are steadfast in implementing and reinforcing effective systems and controls to assure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our organisation or its supply chain.

Our Supply Chain

As a business advisory firm, Covelent does not have an extensive or intricate supply chain. Our suppliers are generally reputable and established service providers such as research firms, legal firms, accounting services, and other consultancy services. Some of these suppliers operate within the jurisdiction of the specific Covelent entity they are supplying, while others have a global reach.Additional suppliers in our network primarily offer administrative and non-revenue-generating services. These include entities such as landlords, employment agencies, IT subcontractors, maintenance services, transport providers, and operators of off-site storage and various SaaS solutions for human resources and finance systems.

Compliance Measures in Contractual Relationships

Contracts within our supply chain often incorporate clauses that require suppliers to assure their compliance with laws pertaining to modern slavery and human trafficking, either explicitly or as part of general compliance with applicable regulations. We proactively encourage our suppliers to implement fair employment practices and conduct their business ethically.

Processes for the Avoidance of Slavery and Human Trafficking

We undertake initial risk assessments of suppliers and their agreements, adopting measures that contractually mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain. We also institute mechanisms for reporting any non-compliance.Should any supplier be found in violation, we are prepared to undertake remedial actions, which may include contract termination. An ethics whistleblowing reporting line has been implemented to expedite the resolution of any related issues.


To foster a deep understanding of the risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking, we offer awareness training to staff responsible for supplier engagements and provide overviews to new hires.

Future Steps

Covelent remains committed to continuously improving its anti-slavery and human trafficking practices. Following a recent review, we intend to:Continuously seek compliance assurances from suppliers in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Human Rights Act 1998, and Modern Slavery Act 2018. Periodically review and update our existing policies.As our operations grow and supplier relationships increase, we aim to develop more robust supply chain processes across our network to assure compliance with our own policies.

This statement has been signed by a Managing Partner on behalf of the partners and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Covelent’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.

© 2023 Covelent

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